
时间:2024-03-30 16:41:18 自荐信 我要投稿




  英文自荐信 篇1


  I am writing to apply for the position of assistant designer ,and thank you for your time !

  Since graduation last summer ,I have become particularly interested in urban planning work and now wish to development my career in that direction.

  I have a degree from University . On the part of skills ,I am good at hand-drawing , softwares such as AutoCAD ,ArcMap,Photoshop. On the other hand ,I have abundant experience .During my university time ,I have assumed the office of cadre in my class,I always in charge of the badminton team of my collage. I think my experience can help me work more efficient.

  I believe that No pains,No gains. I would welcome the chance to work as part of a small ,dynamic team where I could be make a significant contribution, while developing my skills yet future. I would be happy to show you a portfolio of my work! Looking forward to hearing from you!

  Your Sincerely


  英文自荐信 篇2

  Dear Sir,

  I have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable experience working with companies such as yours.

  I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at your convenience.

  Sincerely yours,





  英文自荐信 篇3






  英文自荐信 篇4




  英文自荐信 篇5

Respect leadership:

  First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you! In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material,and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous,progresses day by day!

  I am electronic information project specialized 20xx sessions of graduates,learned in the near future your firm is advertising for the talented person,I hoped can arrive has the opportunity to your firm work。

  In school period,I study the specialized knowledge diligently,and invested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it。While studies the textbook knowledge earnestly,I participate in school inside and outside practice positively,and has obtained some result。 If monolithic integrated circuit development design,aspects and so on PCB Layout as well as homepage design。 The university four years let my English proficiency have progress,And smooth passed the national English six levels of tests,Had certainly certainly has listened to,to say,to read,writes ability,Has the reading specialized literature English foundation of basic skills。

  I have the good computer knowledge and application ability,can grasp the basic application software skilled the use,and can use languages and so on C,assembly,VB,HTML carries on the programming。 Moreover I also can using Multisim,Protel,Pspice,Auto CAD and so on the specialized software carry on the correlation work,And many times participated in the project practice which in the school organizes。I have studied some knowledge using after school which the related homepage design,the plane design as well as the video frequency pick arrange,Can skilled manufacture the homepage using the homepage three swordsmen,And can use imagery processing softwares and so on the photoshop,ACDSee to carry on the related design work,Has uses Adobe premiere the pro software editor complete video frequency plan the experience。I longed for study has uses,to long for own knowledge can obtain the practice examination,looked forward to the practice will be able to enrich my work experience and the ability glorious future。

  “The great ambition can sometimes,directly link up the cloud sail to aid the sea”,I hope alliance your firm sincerely,I can surely by full warm and the tenacious disposition diligent work,with colleague absolute sincerity cooperation,for expensive unit's development own one's pygmy effort。

  Along with letter enclosed resume and other material,if must a deeper understanding,hope for your interviewing!

  英文自荐信 篇6






  英文自荐信 篇7






  英文自荐信 篇8

Dear Leadership:


  I am xx graduates Normal College of Foreign Languages, I have loved the work of teachers, but also very much hope that can work to your school.

  In 997, I, Liaoning Province by the xx a xx admitted to the University in the Department of Russian, I in early high school to learn English, so when entering the university, in the study encounter many unexpected difficulties, the help of the teacher I am learning the right track very quickly. Over the past few years, I test all subjects were first adopted, there is no make-up phenomenon, and the academic performance and stability, but it gradually improved and was third in the 997- 998 school year Fellowship. Learning courses in the same time, I have not given up on learning English, has always insisted on the University self-study English course. Sophomore and junior years, in the Jilin University(Nanling Campus)Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science courses of the minor, and all passed the test and achieved a professional diploma Minor II.

  During the study at the university just is not enough to do a good job learning to develop their own abilities in various domains, I have students work in the department, which presided over the newaper's editorial department, but also organized a full-line of the debate competition. Classes have been learning as life members and members of the work, all this great organization to improve my ability to exercise my courage, for me to become a qualified teacher has laid a solid foundation, so that I have a good eloquence and ability to cope in class to "处乱不惊", organize the classroom.

  Heavy academic universities I did not crush, cheerful personality to help me, the so-called "a Yichi, Man's Road", usually I will engage in some orts, such as playing volleyball or table tennis, or listen to music, reading extra-curricular books to express their ease nerve tension.

  From the sophomore year, after-school time, I began working in home work, although the ecialty is Russian, but I teach are English, by virtue of their solid foundation in English, I have been trouble. During the teaching practice in a senior, I have strict demands on themselves, improve themselves in all reects, honing their own, successfully completed the task of teaching practice, I have always believed that, I can become a qualified foreign language teachers.

  School teaching rigorous and realistic style of drawing, I wish I could have the honor to become a member of your school, in order to contribute to the cause of education in schools and I part.

  I wish your school career success!


  英文自荐信 篇9













  2、tris。your resume is scanned,not read。(“tris”)。






  英文自荐信 篇10











  英文自荐信 篇11



  感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的自荐书,这对一个即将迈出校门的学子而言,将是一份莫大的鼓励。相信您在给予我一个机会的同时,您也多一份选择!即将走向社会的我怀着一颗热忱的心,诚挚地向您推荐自己!我叫小红,是xx小学教育专业2001届即将毕业的一名专科生,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对事业的执著追求,真诚地向您推荐自己我是一个 x年级的小学生,我尊敬师长,团结同学,对人有礼貌。遵守学校的各种规章制度,按时上学,不迟到不早退;按时完成作业,经常帮助同学;上课认真听讲;学习认真,虚心;积极参加劳动和体育锻炼。虽然我成绩不是很好,但我一直很努力,我特别喜欢数学。当然,我知道自己存在许多不足,如学习上没有足够的耐心,上课有时会做小动作。今后我会继续发扬自己的优点.,认识到自己的缺点并加于改正,争取在未来取得更大的进步!

  我叫xxx,今年13岁。我是个阳光向上、充满追求、善于研究的男孩。我兴趣广泛,喜欢打篮球、踢足球、听音乐、玩电脑......我最喜爱科学研究,对不理解的问题总是打破砂锅问到底,通过动手实验来证明自己的想法,解决这些问题。我常常为了探究一个科学问题的答案,而错过了吃饭时间,爸妈都笑我是个“科学迷”。 读万卷书,行万里路。我读过并且热爱凡尔纳的科幻作品,可以在趣味中学到无数科学道理,像惊险刺激的《地心游记》,妙趣横生的《海底两万里》,扑朔迷离的《格兰特船长的儿女》,都令我感到身临其境。我也去过很多城市旅游,北京、上海、承德、唐山、山西、山东、河南......都留下了我的足迹,这也让我收获了不少知识。 我参加过书人教育中心的培训,获得过五星级学员;在河北省作文大赛中获得过优秀奖;每年都被评为学校的“三好学生”但我知道荣誉只属于过去,我将再接再厉,继续前行,创造更灿烂的未来! 这就是我,一个热情洋溢的我。

  我叫XXX,今年X岁,是XXXX学校的学生。在老师心目中,我是一个思维敏捷、领悟力强的学生,也是一个学习勤奋、做事认真的学生。我的学习成绩一直在班级中名列前茅,而且对数学学习特别感兴趣。 在老师和家长的帮助下,我养成了良好的学习习惯,每天坚持预习,上课时认真听讲、积极发言,家庭作业既整齐又正确。这使我成为老师们眼中的优秀学生。

  我的爱好十分广泛,课外时间学习了民族乐器二胡。 我性格沉静,常常不拘小节,待人接物却稳重大方。平日里言语并不多,我心志高远,骨子里一种倔强和坚忍。我上进心强,刻苦钻研,在困难面前不屈不挠,勇于向新的高度挑战,善于把握自我发展的机会。在今后的学习生活中,还要学会有条不紊,提高工作效率,以期取得更大的成功! 聪明伶俐用在我身上一点也不夸张,清纯活泼是我可爱的内在因素。我热爱学习,尊敬师长,动积极,对一切新事物充满了好奇,强烈的求知欲为你打开了广阔的知识世界,在浩瀚的知识海洋里,相信自己会用理想为舵辛勤做桨,划向成功的彼岸! 我性情开朗积极乐观,懂得在学习中享受生活;我团结同学,具有强大的凝聚力,是同学们的朋友也是学习的楷模;尊敬老师,珍爱友谊,拥有阳光一般灿烂的心情。很高兴你能在初中三年里取得优异的成绩,顺利完成人生第一步的转折。在今后的学习中,相信我会以你执着的信念和勤奋的汗水争取属于你的成功! 我性格内向,不善言辞,在紧张的一学期中,我明显加大了努力的力度,比以前更强投入了,也取得了明显的进步。但目前我的潜力还没充分发挥出来,聪明的你还可以做得更好!吾生也有涯而学无涯。请用自己的勤奋和智慧构建知识的大厦,营造更为美好的未来生活! 老师眼里,我是个文静而又可爱的女孩。你热爱劳动,积极参加学校开展的各项活动。对待同学,你也很热情、真诚。不过,你上课的时候总是那么安静。老师觉得,你应该以好学生为榜样,学习他们勤奋刻苦的精神,学习他们先进的学习方法,扬长避短,你一定会取得成功。 活泼开朗的你,挺乐意帮助别人,却总管不好自己。你喜欢玩耍,这并不是你的缺点。可是,如果只贪玩不学习,知识会自己长翅膀飞到你的脑子里吗?老师赠你一句话:要学就学个踏实,要玩就玩个痛快。 活泼开朗的你,挺乐意帮助别人,却总管不好自己。你喜欢玩耍,这并不是你的缺点。可是,如果只贪玩不学习,知识会自己长翅膀飞到你的脑子里吗?老师赠你一句话:要学就学个踏实,要玩就玩个痛快。 我们诚实守纪,待人随和,作业都能按时完成,劳动认真负责。三年来,成绩进步不是很明显,因为我缺乏坚强的意志,很容易受到外界的影响,没有明确的奋斗目标,任务观念严重。在今后的学习中,希望自己树立信心,从基础做起,克服自身困难,抓住机遇,争取在中考中取得突破性进展,考上理想的高中! 我聪明可爱,思维敏捷,学习成绩优秀;你团结同学,热心助人,尊敬老师,热爱集体,深得师生的`喜爱;我好胜心强,乐观豁达,刻苦 踏实,永不放弃。人生的风帆刚刚扬起,在今后的学习中希望你能提高对自己的要求,以更专注的态度和更雄健的脚步走向属于自己的未来! 我聪明可爱,思维敏捷,学习成绩优秀;你团结同学,热心助人,尊敬老师,热爱集体,深得师生的喜爱;我好胜心强,乐观豁达,刻苦踏实,永不放弃。人生的风帆刚刚扬起,在今后的学习中希望你能提高对自己的要求,以更专注的态度和更雄健的脚步走向属于自己的未来! 稳重踏实的我凭借自己的拼搏为自己打造了一片天地,学习成绩保持在班级的上游,遵守纪律,热爱集体,尊敬老师。可有时你似乎还没有尽力而为。须知:知识的高峰在等待着你的攀登,无限的风光在静候自己的包览,只有用勤奋作梯,用努力作扶手,才能一步步走向胜利的巅峰! 我酷爱篮球运动,并为之付出了艰辛的汗水,可喜的是我在篮球方面取得了骄人的成绩。其实学习也象打篮球一样,只要你认真付出,真心热爱,一定会取得进步的。在今后的学习生活中,望我严格要求自己,专心致志地做好该做的事这样人生才能结出丰硕的果实! , 我清秀文雅,乐观诚实,团结同学,尊敬师长,学习上也能认真听课,按时完成作业,但学习还要主动积极,我的数学比较薄弱,现在语文也受到影响,各科成绩亟待提高。美好的前程靠自己的拼搏才能换取。


  英文自荐信 篇12

Dear Sir / Miss:

  The five years of intensive training came to an end in June 19xx when I received a diploma. And in July 1980. I was hired by Nan Ya plastic Company and have served as a junior electrical engineer at the company to the present. I enjoy the work and feel competent for the job.

  My name is xxxx. On May 25,19xx,I was born in Xinying,a little town in Southern Fujian. My father is a farmer,planting bananas and pineapples,and my mother takes care of the house. I have two brothers and one sister. Though not well-to-do,my parents have been able to provide the whole family with sufficient means to live decently and enjoy all modern conveniences.

  My early education was received in my hometown,i.e. six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school. After completing nine years of formal education in 19xx. I went to Xiamen and participated in the joint entrance examination for five-year junior colleges. Fortunately,I was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Xiamen Junior Engineering College. I chose Electrical Engineering as my major because,on the one hand,I liked Physics very much; and on the other hand,electrical industry is a major sector of the economy of China.

  The five years of intensive training came to an end in June 1978 when I received a diploma. And in July 1980. I was hired by Nan Ya plastic Company and have served as a junior electrical engineer at the company to the present. I enjoy the work and feel competent for the job.

  In working,however,I've Found that what I have learned in school is limited and far from sufficient to handle sophisticated jobs. Therefore,I have decided to extend my education and would like to enter an American institution firstly to earn a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. Then,if possible,I would like to continue my education toward a Master's degree.

  After this objective is reached,I will return to my country and seek a job in a public firm. Most probably I will continue to work with Nan Ya Plastic Company.


  英文自荐信 篇13











  英文自荐信 篇14

Dear Teacher:

  Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter of recommendation .

  My name’s xxx, 13 years old this year, from xx primary school in Tianjin xx District. Comply with a model at school during the "Code of Practice for pupils." Respect teachers, concerned about the collective, love of labor. To "primary day-to-day code of conduct" strict demands on themselves, actively take part in school activities.

  Moral aspects: As the colonel was once a three-year "students Miyoshi", two district-level "students Miyoshi," municipal year "Miyoshi students." Has repeatedly won the "Student of civilization," "Little Angel of love", "Kids Learn”, the title.

  Public-spirited activity: Many students in poverty-stricken areas to contribute money and household goods. As "xxold folk’s home," the old people offer love, warmth, by the old peoples praise and affirmation.

  Study areas: Pay attention to the teachers. Answer the questions actively. I’m interested in learning, especially the English. I have gotten PETSⅠ certificate, EETS ⅢB certificate. Held at the school "into the life of Happiness English" Oral English Competition, won the first prize. And has made "information technology Test" Ⅲ certificate.

  Sports: An active part in physical exercise, PE is fine grade, outstanding physical quality, in good health.

  Personal specialities: mild and helpful. Class precursors for the production of voluntary classes reported by the teachers and students at home.I have many interests, music (erhu) arts, has eight levels of the erhu. Attended "Jin Wan Newspaper" organized by journalist training, many times the author submission and publication. At the first "Top Ten small contributors tonight," won the Award of "Excellent contributor" title.

  I believe I have the ability to become a member in TFLS and look forward to your evaluation of the test. Thank you.

Best wishes,xx






英文自荐信 9篇11-05



